What is the goal of VCbenchmarks?

Our primary goal is to remove some of the friction we have seen in the venture ecosystem starting by better connecting founders with the best venture investors for their businesses.

Where does VCbenchmarks get its data?

We strive to ensure our data is as accurate as possible. Today, most of our data is pulled and aggregated from various sources across the web (i.e. PitchBook, Crunchbase, articles, firm websites, etc.) and some of it is submitted directly from participating VCs.

All of the metrics that we report can be calculated using public information. For example, in order to calculate Series A follow-on rate, we:

If you have additional questions on how we collect our data, please reach out to us at [email protected].

What does the information reported on VCbenchmarks currently cover?

VCbenchmarks currently covers the seed landscape and over 100 VC firms that actively make seed investments. We have plans to cover the entire venture ecosystem and provide information on performance across stages, but we are focused on performance around seed-stage investments for now.

Over what time period are the metrics calculated?

VCbenchmarks aims to highlight how firms are performing today and show metrics that indicate what performance could look like in the future. Consequently, we currently track information for a trailing five-year period starting from the quarter eighteen months ago (e.g. today’s metrics are based on data from Q1 2015 to Q1 2020). We end with the quarter roughly eighteen months prior to today to ensure:

What firms are in VCbenchmarks’ dataset?

VCbenchmarks' Dataset

My firm is not currently included in VCbenchmarks’s dataset. How can it be included?